John Curran, Jr click for John's resume and e-mail

Alban Berg's      WOZZECK

This opera was a paper prodject for my graduate thesis.  The show was heavily influenced by the German Expressionist artists of the 1930s and by the horrible conditions in Berlin after World War I.  Click on a photo to see a larger version.

Wozzeck street Wozzeck-Maria's House Wozzeck-tavern Wozzeck-pond
Wozzeck-tavern Wozzeck-maria Wozzeck-captain Wozzeck-doctor
Wozzeck-major Wozzeck-margret Wozzeck-painter's elevation Wozzeck-tavern model

Wozzeck-field model Wozzeck-Maria's model Wozzeck-Pond model

Last Updated: 3 April 2005
All material (photographs, text, etc) contained within this site are property of the author.
Material may not be used without written permission.
copywrite 2005   John Curran,Jr